Request a quote
Contact us to request a quote and discuss your project. You can learn about our Terms of Service on our Terms of Service page.
How to submit samples to SML:
1. For Drinking Water Analysis samples only, please complete the Sample Lab Slip form.
2. For all other types of samples, please complete SML’s Chain of Custody. Please ensure that you sign and date the Chain of Custody in the “Relinquished By” section before submitting your sample.
3. Either ship your samples and forms to 8463 NE Koura Road, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 or drop them off at one of our drop-off locations. If you are shipping samples, please also contact us so that we know when to expect your samples or if you need sample bottles or other sampling materials.
Where to find forms:
Contact us if you’d like forms e-mailed or faxed to you. Drinking Water Analysis, Sample Lab Slip forms are also available at our drop box locations. Visit our services page to learn more about our analysis and testing services.